Thursday, May 29, 2014

If I had an extra day in the week....

When I feel like I have no spare time, the list grows of all the things I want to do. Watch those TED talks I downloaded yesterday; finish the fiction book I'm in the middle of (Portrait of Dorian Gray); text those three friends I left hanging this week; reach out to that contact about the new part-time opportunity he offered me; draft the speech I want to give in July; plan my upcoming vacation to London; continue cleaning my room; write some new thoughts here... the list is ever-growing. But when I have time, I make mediocre progress on those objectives. It's harder to manage time when there's more of it. As much as I would wish for an extra day in the week, it wouldn't be the solution. Time constraints are magic for productivity boosts.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What Do You Fear Most?

Your greatest fear is that the opposite of what you value most dearly. Whatever you hold deepest within is that which you are most afraid to lose. True or false?